Alright, I've been out of the blogging business for a spell but I'm coming back on now. I'll try and follow in the footsteps of a great one and entertain my energies despite the less than perfect outcomes. She does the same and low and behold much of her efforts turn out pretty darn good. We'll call it practice in multiple fields.
No races are on my radar at this point in time but they will be coming. There's a relocation in my future that I'm particularly excited about and I believe there will be many available venues for me to choose from, one of which has been on the radar for years. I've got a triathlon in mind and probably at least one fall run that draws a pretty big crowd and sounds amazing. More to follow (MTF) on that.
I've also got a web tool in mind for future build out. Not necessarily a unique idea but a new way of doing things that will prove a useful tool to at least me and perhaps one or two other blokes nearby.
Here's a picture from Earligh Heights, they've got a bike stop pit stop which I think is great. I'm going to miss good ideas and public action results like that when we move. Cheers all-
Musings of that middle-aged guy who should have been a trust fun baby because he really just wants to go out and have fun every day. Triathlon and Running for life!
DNF?!! No Way!
I'm all tatt'd up for the event! My simple set up at T1. Let me say I continue to love Xterra events and Ogden has got to b...

I'm all tatt'd up for the event! My simple set up at T1. Let me say I continue to love Xterra events and Ogden has got to b...
Running is simple. All you need to run is your health, your legs, some shoes (debatable), and some gumption. It's waking up and getti...
My Son and I recently had a great trip to Snowbasin, Utah. I hate to talk too much about it because it's a great mountain and great mo...